Laser printer test sheet
Laser printer test sheet

You should only buy paper that falls within the range of allowable weights for your printer. We strongly recommend checking your printer’s specifications on paper thickness/weight.

laser printer test sheet

Review Your Laser Printer Specifications On Paper Thickness And the reason for that might be that we tested the sheet in a laser printer and experienced less-than-desirable results like roller marks on the sheet. For example, a lighter text weight sheet within a certain brand might carry both inkjet and laser recommendations, but its heavier cover stock counterpart might only carry an inkjet recommendation. Within a brand of paper, if you were to browse the different paper weights, you might see different printing recommendations. Different Printing Recommendations: Lighter Paper vs. Our recommendations are based on printing specifications provided by the mills that make the paper and our own in-house printing tests. We List Our Best Recommendations For Each PaperĪs Kayla noticed looking through our papers, for each item that we offer, we make a printing recommendation. This is a great question so we’re answering it on video. Are any papers for laser? I see lots of reference to inkjet but no laser papers.

Laser printer test sheet