Once that is done, click OK to view the change. At this point, the origin of the shape will be at its center, so set the Standoff Height to the radius value (750 mils) to that the bottom of the donut sits at the level of the board (otherwise half of the donut will sink below the board). Setting 90 for the Rotation X field will rotate the shape around the X-axis 90⁰, and will sit the shape upright. Watch the heads-up display and move the cursor down to (750, -750) and click to lock in the first arc as in Figure 2.ħ The rotation fields are now available for our step model. Use these keys to set the radius to 750 mils (for a 1.5-inch diameter donut). Use the or to change the radius in steps of 10. The and keys decrease and increase the arc radius while the shape is being drawn (so chosen because the symbols are on the same keys).

The (without the Shift) will toggle the direction of the arc. Use to toggle the drawing mode until the heads-up display shows the Line 90/90 Vertical (Horizontal) with Arc (Radius: xx) mode.

Using the (0, 0) point as a reference, click there to start the shape. Click OK to close the dialog and enter the drawing mode. The Overall Height is going to be the same as the width of the donut, 475 mils. The Layer should be any visible mechanical layer.

The Body Side should default to Top side. In the 3D Body dialog, set the 3D Model Type to Extruded. Start the 3D body drawing mode from the Place/3D Body menu. In an open.pcblib file, set the snap grid (G hotkey) to something large and easy to work with, in this case, 50 mils. The dimensions for the donut are 1.5-inch outer diameter, 0.8-inch inner diameter, and inch width. CREATE THE DONUT Figure 1: The 3D donut shape models these Coilcraft toroid inductors. This document will detail that process using a Coilcraft DMT power inductor as the model for the part as shown in Figure 1. Although a hole cannot be cut out of any of the Altium-created shapes, a donut shape can still be achieved by essentially creating a closed C shape. The problem is that I can t cut a hole out of any object to replicate the donut shape for a realistic view of the part in the 3D view. I don t have access to a mechanical design package like SolidWorks, so I d like to create it using Altium Designer s extruded or cylindrical shapes. INTRODUCTION I d like to create a 3D component body in my PCB footprint library for a toroid-style choke. This paper is an example of a customer-requested process for creating a donut-shaped toroid. 2 It is generally very simple to create realistic 3D mechanical shapes in Altium Designer using the included Extruded, Cylinder, and Sphere shape types in the PCB Library editor.