And don’t worry – you can still print directly from an online document. You’ll just need a Google account, with everything stored in Google Drive (15GB free storage combined with Gmail) and accessible across all your own devices. Want something you can use in a web browser without downloading anything? Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) apps are also free, with Docs, Sheets and Slides all capable alternatives to Office apps. There’s no catch – it’s open source, free software. One example is LibreOffice, which is a fully-fledged, suite, complete with alternatives to Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more. To download and install Office 2019, see Download and install or reinstall. It includes significant improvements over Microsoft Office 2016 and earlier versions of on-premises Office. Office 2019 is the next perpetual release of Office. Create Shared Albums and invite others to add their own photos, videos, and comments. Commercial and consumer customers can now purchase Microsoft Office 2019 for Windows and Mac. iCloud Photos Keep your photos up to date across all your devices and your PC. The good news is that you can get a perfectly good free alternative which is still compatible with Microsoft Office document formats. iCloud for Windows keeps your photos, videos, mail, calendar and other important information up to date and available on your Windows PC. Each license only usually covers one machine. Old physical copies are likely to be available on eBay and similar sites, but make sure it’s not already been activated.

March 23rd, 16:23 GMT Windows 11 / Windows. Microsoft has never made Office available as a completely free product, so expect to pay if you want access to its capabilities. 744 downloads 77.6 MB Tutanota Try a versatile, affordable, multi-platform, and open-source email client that has a strong focus.